Letter: Support climate change legislation

We will greatly miss the courage and integrity of two great American leaders, President George H.W. Bush and Sen. John McCain, who, through their leadership and foresight, addressed the risks presented by our warming climate.

Bush signed The Global Change Research Act of 1990, requiring Congress to submit a comprehensive climate change assessment every four years. That is why the Fourth National Climate Assessment was released in November.

John McCain advanced the conservative argument for climate action, framed climate change as a national security threat and stressed market-based solutions.

Other senior Republican statesmen, such as George Shultz and Jim Baker, continue to lead, advocating a market-based solution that establishes fees on carbon pollution while returning all the funds to American households.

Recently, a bipartisan bill, the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (HR7173), was introduced into House and later in the Senate. The bill would do what many legislators, scientists and economists have advocated. Co-sponsored by Republicans and Democrats, this bill is projected to reduce carbon emissions by 40 percent in 12 years while creating millions of jobs and improving the health of our communities.

Please urge your congressional representatives to support this bill. It is effective, revenue-neutral, and good for Americans and our economy.

David Ryser, Sandy

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