Election Day updates: It’s not too late for Utahns to register to vote

It’s Election Day!

If you have been putting off registering to vote and now want to cast a ballot in the 2022 midterm elections, it’s not too late.

Utahns who currently are not on their local voter rolls can still register at voting locations on Tuesday. New voters will need to present one primary form of identification (like a driver’s license or passport) or two forms of ID that show their name and current residence (like a bank statement or vehicle registration).

No early results until all Utahns have a chance to vote

Early election results might not come in as fast as years past, the lieutenant governor’s office has cautioned.

On Monday, the state’s top elections official issued new guidance to county clerks, directing the local election officials to not post early election results before every Utahn has had a chance to vote. The guidance comes after mail-in ballots in two counties were delayed because of a distribution issue at an out-of-state sorting facility.

“While I’m hopeful early election results will go live shortly after polls close at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, this guidance may impact the release timeline for results in Utah,” Lt. Gov. Deidre Henderson said in the news release on Monday. “Eligible voters deserve the opportunity to cast their ballots without outside influence, including data from preliminary results.”

Who should I vote for?

The Salt Lake Tribune has created voter guides to help Utahns get to know the candidates on their ballot this fall.

The guides include information about Utah’s U.S. Senate and House races, contests in the Utah Legislature, state school board races and several Salt Lake County races.

Check out the voter guides, in English and Spanish, at: 2022 Midterm Elections.

from The Salt Lake Tribune https://ift.tt/sEvoBNr

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