Letter: Consider what Democrats aim to do and won’t do. Then vote accordingly.

Democrats are too nice.

They are unable to lie, promote false narratives or concentrate on meaningless distracting agendas like critical race theory and book banning. They do not get a memorandum of a script to follow, bashing their opponents, but work on passing measures to improve our lives.

The House has passed 400 bills, including child care, income tax credit, gun control laws, climate mitigation measures, etc. — all things Americans, if polls can be believed, support. All but 70 have languished in the Senate.

Democrats under Biden have proposed a massive plan, the Build Back Better plan , that economists and scientists say will actually have a positive effect on global warming and our well-being. Limit climate damage and we limit migration, decrease war and worldwide famine.

Rather than reacting to disasters and asking for prayers in the face of tragedy, Democratic bills will improve the lives of all of us. And they will ask the super wealthy to pay for some of it. It will not be a tax on middle class families as the Republicans’ tax cut was.

The Democrats are not a radical socialist group – they are a broad array of different individuals, but ones who do not adopt false narratives about elections, who are willing to risk their careers to address corruption, and who are trying to do what is best for our country. They need the opportunity to continue this work and a larger majority in Congress and the Senate to do it.

It is not a time to cast a reactionary vote in the face of inflation and COVID, but to vote for the opportunity for long-term change for the betterment of our country. If you want Washington to get things done, vote Democrat. It’s time for “nice” to win.

Patricia Becnel, Pleasant View

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from The Salt Lake Tribune https://ift.tt/lyhMGLw

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